Theresa's Overseas Musings

Welcome to my blog. I'm currently living in Gaborone, Botswana. This is my first time living overseas (as opposed to being stationed here), and we're supposed to be here for two years. Of course, the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. If you don't agree, create your own blog! :)

Location: Virginia, United States

I'm a woman trying to live the best life I can.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Back to the Land of...

We're leaving Botswana permanently tomorrow. (I guess I'll have to change the name of this blog.) I still haven't posted about our trip to Vic Falls in September or our trip to Kruger Park this year. I will have to finish the posts I started once I get back to the States.
Now that we are leaving, I can think about all of the things I will enjoy about being back in the US. Here are the first few that come to mind:
-- High speed internet access at home!
-- Grocery shopping when I feel like it, even if it's 2 a.m. on Sunday!
-- Gyros!
-- Customer service!!!
-- Sci-fi channel!
-- Fast food that IS fast! (We waited for our sandwiches for 20 minutes yesterday.)
-- Houses surrounded by views instead of walls with electric fences!
-- Mexican food I don't have to make myself!
-- Good Chinese food! (sorry for all of the food references, it's lunchtime :)
-- Limes at the grocery store more than once a year!
-- High quality appliances!
-- Good pizza!
-- Houses that aren't made of concrete!

That's all that comes to mind at the moment. I'm sure I'll think of more later.

To be fair, here are some things I will miss about Botswana:
-- The people
-- Rooibos tea (also called red bush tea)
-- Inexpensive meals at good restaurants
-- Good wine that's low in price
-- Inexpensive, high-quality steaks