Theresa's Overseas Musings

Welcome to my blog. I'm currently living in Gaborone, Botswana. This is my first time living overseas (as opposed to being stationed here), and we're supposed to be here for two years. Of course, the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. If you don't agree, create your own blog! :)

Location: Virginia, United States

I'm a woman trying to live the best life I can.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Botswana names

I have been doing error audits of the IPT logbooks for the TB program here in Botswana. (IPT stands for Isoniazid Preventive Therapy, it's to prevent HIV+ people from getting TB. TB is one of the biggest killers of HIV+ people in Botswana, yet the IPT program is free for the patient. It's currently funded by the US government. It's been going for almost three years, but this is the first time the data from the program is going to be analyzed.)
The audits are soooooooooooooo boring! Just about the only thing that makes it interesting are some of the first names (the ones that I can pronounce, anyway :). Some of the interesting English names I've seen: Rope, Editor, Sithole, Pinkie, Stompie, Mosquito, Witness, Striker, Baby, Beauty, a male Lesley, a female Thomas, One, and Oboy. Here at work we have a Tiny and a Spoon. I know Spoon is the English translation of her Setswana name. Probably some of the names in the list above are the English translations, but I'll never know for sure.
Someone told me that Batswana with names of common objects (like Spoon) are from the Northern part of Botswana.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, I came across your blog and hoping to make contact with you. I am applying for a Fulbright scholarship to do research on AIDS orphans in Botswana. it is difficult to find info on Botswana, but I have been sifting through your blogs. I think it said you work for BOTUSA, which I think is a vary fascinating program.
So, I guess my question is simply, and not simply, how is it living there?

Thanks for any info you can provide,


3:11 AM  

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