Theresa's Overseas Musings

Welcome to my blog. I'm currently living in Gaborone, Botswana. This is my first time living overseas (as opposed to being stationed here), and we're supposed to be here for two years. Of course, the opinions expressed here are entirely my own. If you don't agree, create your own blog! :)

Location: Virginia, United States

I'm a woman trying to live the best life I can.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Computer problems

Our computer at home is unable to be used at the moment. We bought a 250 GB hard drive from, so we would have more space for all of the pictures of wild animals we've taken here in Africa. In the process of formatting the new hard drive, the old one that we had all of our pictures and mp3's on was formatted, instead. Doh! I'm just glad I didn't do it. Mike has been trying to restore the pictures and mp3's. It's taking a while. A lot of the mp3's I have on my computer at work, but most of the pictures weren't backed up anywhere. All of our 35mm pictures from about 2001 until we left to come here are online at, luckily.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's

Happy New Year!!! I know I'm a little late. I did start this post right after New Year's. Honest.

Since we had a four day weekend over New Year's, we went camping. We drove about 2 hours, to Botsalano Game Reserve in South Africa. It was pretty nice. Botsalano isn't very large, but that's good when you just have a few days. We're pretty sure we saw every rhino in the place half a dozen times each! We ended up leaving a day earlier than we had planned, because there was nothing new we could see. It rained about half the time we were there. Then the stupid zipper on our tent broke. We've had the tent for years, so I guess it was due to fall apart soon. Now we have to find a new tent. The selection and quality of the tents here isn't that good, though.